Why I Built Popp & Our Philosophy For Change

popp by chloe temple
Chloe Temple founder Popp Provides

Written by Chloe Temple

Founder of popp, leadership coach & passionate people champion.  


Why Did You Start POPP?

Twelve years in the corporate world has shown me that the further up the ladder you climb the less likely you are to ask for support or to flag up gaps in your confidence or capability.  And even if you’re brave enough to acknowledge the gaps, professional development programmes are often difficult to access, rarely last and are almost never tailored to your specific needs.


Over time watched colleagues and friends burning out, losing motivation, longing for purpose, wishing for balance & contemplating their exit. I myself had invested heavily in my own personal development, experienced enormous growth, overcame depression, found my why and was living and working from a place of fulfillment across all aspects of my life. I knew that if only others had the access & experience, I’d curated for myself (yet with a minutia of the financial & time investment), the world would have so many more motivated, confident, inspirational leaders making the changes the world needs.


How Did You Get POPP Started?

I spent three months talking to current and aspiring leaders, about their development experience, and integrated their feedback with my own lived experience to come up with a development philosophy that I believe is effective and lasting.


What Is POPP’s Development Philosophy?

Any results-orientated development program should include the following four elements,


  1.       An immersive, learning experience.

How we learn the theory

Ideally full-focus, interactive, often ‘uncomfortable’ workshop that allows you to untangle old ideas and gives purchase to new.


  1.       A tribe of mentors.

Where lived wisdom is passed along

Traditional advice champions finding a mentor singular. Yet given how different we all are, how could one mentor be optimal? We believe in receiving the wisdom from multiple role-models, whom share their lived experience empowers you to pick out what you most need.


  1.       Nailing the timing, relevance & personal buy-in

When we actually pay attention

Learning something that you believe is right for you at the right time will have the biggest impact because it’s tailored for you & thus naturally will command your full attention.


  1.       Regular follow-up coaching & accountability sessions.

What supports you to apply it, what makes it last

Accountability supports you to measure progress, celebrate successes, embed learnings, and are the most effective way to turn theory into practice longer term.



A philosophy of lasting change, built on the lived experience of existing and future leaders.

Let’s stay connected

Chloe Temple founder Popp Provides

Hi! I’m Chloe & I’m here to spark change so we can be our true (and epic) selves. I work with individuals & teams to empower the leaders of the future.

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